
Play video content with as little as possible

Johnny Thaw on Vimeo
url (required) The Vimeo URL for a video.
width The exact width of the video. Defaults to original size.
maxwidth Same as width, but video will not exceed original size.
height The exact height of the video. Defaults to original size.
maxheight Same as height, but video will not exceed original size.
byline Show the byline on the video. Defaults to true.
title Show the title on the video. Defaults to true.
portrait Show the user’s portrait on the video. Defaults to true.
color Specify the color of the video controls.
callback When returning JSON, wrap in this function.
autoplay Automatically start playback of the video. Defaults to false.
loop Play the video again automatically when it reaches the end. Defaults to false.
autopause Pause this video automatically when another one plays. Defaults to true.
xhtml Make the embed code XHTML compliant. Defaults to false.
api Enable the JavaScript API. Defaults to false.
player_id A unique id for the player that will be passed back with all JavaScript API responses.